BIPOC Scholarships

At Ahimsa Yoga Studio, we are deeply committed to fostering diversity and inclusivity in the yoga community. That’s why we are proud to offer a BIPOC scholarship for our upcoming yoga teacher training. We believe it’s vital to support and uplift BIPOC individuals in their journey to becoming yoga teachers, as their unique perspectives and experiences enrich the practice for all. Increasing the representation of BIPOC teachers helps create a more inclusive, compassionate, and accessible space for students from all backgrounds, ensuring that yoga remains a powerful tool for healing and connection across communities.

50% Off the Total Price

At Ahimsa Yoga Studio, we are proud to offer a BIPOC scholarship that provides 50% off our upcoming yoga teacher training program. This initiative is part of our commitment to making yoga education more accessible and supporting underrepresented voices within the yoga community. By offering this significant discount, we aim to empower BIPOC individuals to become certified teachers, enriching the diversity of the yoga world and ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to share the transformative practice of yoga.

How to apply

  1. Apply online and say Yes to “Are you a BIPOC applying for a scholarship?”

  2. Wait to hear from us.

We are holding 2 spots in our upcoming training. Spots are awarded on a first come first served basis.