While re-writing the Sequencing Manual for Teacher Training, I came across a problem. We have Sun Salutations (sanskrit: Surya Namaskar) A, B, and C, but no Moon Salutations (Chandra Namaskar). I added one ASAP using some of my old notes on sequencing, practiced it in my living room, filmed it, and put it up on instagram. People seemed interested! Here it is below.

Please excuse the Bentley interruptions! :). Music is Winter Sun by Mogli.

While googling about Moon Salutations, I came across many other variations, and one that I'd practiced at Ahimsa years ago with a teacher who is no longer at the studio. It brought back the memory of being in the class on night (probably a 7:30pm class in Oak Park) where the teacher (it was Manal - does anyone remember Manal?!) talked about Moon Salutations, explained it might be a little funky, and then proceeded to slowly them to us. We practiced a few rounds and it was really fun to try something different.

Again, more dog interruptions. I guess I need to walk him longer before yoga videos :). Music is Earth by Mogli.

Some people love routine and some don't. Or some love routine in certain areas in life, and not others (I hate taking the dog on the SAME walk every single day) And sometimes this all changes around and we decide different things (the only constant is change... am I right?). I personally love to switch up "sun" salutations A & B with variations of Surya Namskar C. Moon Salutations have made a wonderful re-entrance into my life and I'm happy they have. 

What's the significance of Moon Salutations? The properties of the moon and sun are opposites of the same coin. Did you know that the Ha and Tha in Hatha Yoga translate to Sun and Moon? The Hatha Yoga practice is a practice of blending the sun and moon. 

  • Qualities of the sun: warming, bright, light, high energy, daytime, masculine.

  • Qualities of the moon: cooling, dark, lower energy, night time, feminine.

Moon salutations are a great practice for when you want to take it down a notch. Notice - no strengthening chaturanga or energizing cobra/up dog. These are poses vinyasa flow-ers (aw, should we call them flowers?) are used to, but they are not mandatory for a vinyasa flow. I encourage everyone to try these two variations. 

Version 1

Version 1 in Time Lapse

Urdhva Hastasana on inhale
Uttanasana on exhale
Malasana on inhale
Uttanasana on exhale
Step right leg back, low lunge, inhale
Downward facing dog on exhale
Table on inhale
ChildΚΌs pose on exhale
Come up onto knees, circle hands to sky on inhale
ChildΚΌs pose on exhale
Table on inhale
Downward facing dog on exhale
Step right foot forward inhale
Low lung right foot forward on inhale
Uttanasana on exhale
Malasana on inhale
Uttanasana on exhale
Urdhva hastasana (upward hands) on inhale
Tadasana on exhale

other side
Urdhva Hastasana on inhale
Uttanasana on exhale
Malasana on inhale
Uttanasana on exhale
Step left leg back, low lunge, inhale
Downward facing dog on exhale
Table on inhale
ChildΚΌs pose on exhale
Come up onto knees, circle hands to sky on inhale
ChildΚΌs pose on exhale
Table on inhale
Downward facing dog on exhale
Low lung left foot forward on inhale
Uttanasana on exhale
Malasana on inhale
Uttanasana on exhale
Urdhva hastasana (upward hands) on inhale
Tadasana on exhale


Version 2

Version 2 in Time Lapse

Arms up in Kali Mudra on inhale
Exhale tilt to one side
Arms up in center on inhale
Exhale tilt to other side
Step the left leg back on inhale
Goddess with goal post arms on exhale
Straighten the legs, turn the feet to the right for triangle pose on inhale
Triangle pose on exhale
Pyramid pose on inhale, exhale hold
Low lunge on inhale
Skandasana (side lunge) to the right on exhale
Malasana on inhale
Skandasana (side lunge) to the left on exhale
Low lunge to the left on inhale
Pyramid on exhale
Triangle pose on inhale, exhale hold
Goddess pose on inhale
Mountain pose on exhale

other side
Arms up in Kali Mudra on inhale
Exhale tilt to one side
Arms up in center on inhale
Exhale tilt to other side
Step the right leg back on inhale
Goddess with goal post arms on exhale
Straighten the leg turn the feet to the left for triangle pose on inhale
Triangle pose on exhale
Pyramid pose on inhale, exhale hold
Low lunge on inhale
Skandasana (side lunge) to the left on exhale
Malasana on inhale
Skandasana (side lunge) to the right on exhale
Low lunge on inhale
Pyramid on exhale
Triangle pose on inhale, exhale hold
Goddess pose on inhale
Mountain pose on exhale


